Minimum Dose Bowen Clinic

Bowenwork - A New Paradigm for Healing

City Diet/Metrotarian

 City Diet/Sustainable Eating/Unprocessed

Metrotarian Best Practicea

Objective: To raise individual and collective health in our community

Metrotarians understand, “You are what you eat,” (think, drink, and breathe) "healing ourselves bite by bite," as Dr. Shad  Marvasti MD  puts it, founder of the department of Culinary Medicine at the University of Arizona in Phoenix.

For Metrotarians, epigenetics, the environment we create for the expression of our genes, is becoming a household word as our lifestyle choices evolve. In the words of Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, “Your life is your best medicine.”

Metrotarians understand we evolve with our food and that the genetics of our food communicates with the genetics of our bodies. (Sayer Ji, Regenerate)

Metrotarians seek to eat nutrient dense unprocessed traditional foods 90% of the time and to minimize nutrient poor, highly refined, genetically modified (GMO) and processed foods that contain artificial colors, flavors, added sugars and preservatives etc.

Metrotarians avoid foods containing ingredients a third grader can't pronounce. The more ingredients, the more processed the food. from Michael Pollans, Food Rules

Metrotarians choose the rainbow of food colors including at least one more fruit or vegetable per day than they might otherwise eat appreciating diversity in their food.

Metrotarians communicate their unprocessed food preferences with retailers, knowing retailers respond to consumer demand, then vote with their dollars.

Metrotarians understand the fundamental importance of our farmers in society and seek to support them by shopping at farmers markets, CSA's, buying organic, etc.

Metrotarians learn from the wisdom of traditional peoples in their area who may have a more complete understanding of the value of local food, culture, and place.

Metrotarians support the elimination of food deserts in their community while promoting the presence of unprocessed foods in our entire community food supply including convenience stores, schools, hospitals, prisons, all public venues and homes.

Metrotarians support the independent search for truth, appreciate scientific insights, consultation and debate as they seek to advance the quality of community life in which they participate.

Tucson Metrotarians take pride in their UNESCO designated City of Gastronomy.

Following these guidelines will help lower the incidence of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, liver disease like NAFLD and other chronic diseases, inflammation and toxic overload in our community. (Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)



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